AQUANAT TV                 (by Fabrice Pradié)



What about if we offer the world the first naturel aquarium ...


We are talking about an international 24 hours underwater-world themed channel. 

The daily programmes will be split into three modules, each with a different concept:

Window on the ocean        5 hours live images of an underwater paradise

Natural aquarium           7 hours of other images of the same place with a short broadcast delay

Interactive aquarium         2 x 6 hours of images treated in postproduction  

The interactive part, educational and recreational, will be constantly changing and evolving with the goal of transforming AQUANAT TV into a real underwater-world channel.

The equipement used to record the video images will also provide an underwater fauna monitoring system unique in the world, which will be of great interest to the scientific community and media. This should help speed up the launch of the channel.


2 metres long and weighing 300 kg, this is Hercules the Lord of the place



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